Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation means planting trees in a fixed or different area to produce wood. The importance of tree plantation can't be ignored anymore. Through tree plantation, our environment remains balanced properly. Natural calamities can't occur unexpectedly. Our demand for food is met up. Oxygen is properly balanced in the air. The most important thing is that ecological balance remains fit for the betterment of the maintenance of humans and animals and plants as well. If trees aren't planted, we can't get food, oxygen, and different kinds of needful elements from the trees. So, there is a close relationship between trees and humans. If there had been no trees, the environment would have lost balance. Floods and drought may occur repeatedly. Lands would turn into a desert place. The rainy season is the best time for the plantation of trees. We should take some effective measures to grow them well. We should take care of them properly as to the animals or other concerns can't damage them. We can get available trees from any nursery or govt. agriculture department. we should plant more trees for a healthier, happier, and better life.

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