My Aim in Life


                                        My Aim in Life

Every man should have an aim in life. A man without an aim is like a ship without a rudder. A man cannot succeed in life without it. A fixed aim helps a man succeed in life. An aim in life makes one perfect in the battle of life. So we should determine in properly.Aim in life varies from person to person. It depends on the orientation of the individua. Some want to be high officials or scholars or poets etc. Some one wants to be doctor or an engineer or a teacher.. I have a aim of my life. The aim of my life is become a physician and serve the people. My father who is a physician always inspires me to be a doctor.The reason of my being a physician is that most of the people of our village are poor and illiterate. Good doctors are not available in villages. So, they don’t get help and advice of a good doctor.They suffer from many diseases and die premature deaths. By observing their miseries, my heart fills with profound grief. I can not tolerate this miserable condition. I want to help them get proper treatment. So, I have decided to be a doctor and serve them.
Finally we can say that success in life depends largely upon the right choice of profession. So at the time of making such choice we should think about our liking and abilities. Only then we can reach the culmination of success and make our life a prosperous one.

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